Mystery over why anyone is too excited over video of a large feral cat.

CENTRAL Victorian plumber Roger Mazzocato is hot on the trail of Victoria's legendary big cat.
The 51-year-old shot this video using a motion sensitive camera in the Bealiba district earlier this month.
"It is not the big cat but it is not a domestic cat, that's for sure,'' Mr Mazzocato said.
"It resembles a bob cat, with large paws, they're too big for a normal cat.''
He said the kangaroo had been gutted and its internal organs removed.
"I have been chasing the big cat up here seriously for two years and I am getting close.''
Bealiba is famous as the home of the mythical "Bealiba Beast'' which terrorised the district late last century.
"I have had glimpses of a big cat, like a panther in the area, it is definitely there,'' Mr Mazzocato said.
"That is why I set up the cameras to catch it.
"I don't want it killed, it just want to capture it on film.''
The Victorian Government recently stirred up a controversy with its big cats study, saying there was no definite proof the big cats exist.
