My second big cat sighting was in Kemerton a few years later. We were coming back from Australind from crabbing driving along Kemerton road heading towards the South West HWY. It was summer so it was still daylight at 6pm.
We were driving through dairy country so we had open paddocks either side of us. I remember coming around a corner and seeing what I thought was a Black Labrador walking along the top of an irrigation channel. In my car was my sister and my girlfriend (in front seat) I said her thats an odd place to see a dog. My girlfriend who was a vet assistant and animal lover went pale and said thats no dog. I immediately pulled up and we watched this thing (not bothered by us) walk "slink" cat like. All 3 of us said do you see this too? Next second my mate (who worked for the APB) came to a screeching holt behind us, jump out of his car loading his gun but this noise had startled the big black cat and it ran of out of view across the paddock. All of us agreed that what we had seen was a very large black "panther"? cat. My girlfriend shaking kept saying over and over "dogs do not run like that"